Wednesday, May 20, 2015

WSSA Meeting and Elections Notice

For those that are new to the club, The Wasatch Speed Skating Association (WSSA) is our "parent" association with US Speedskating. Please see the message below, which is also posted on the Wasatch Speed Skating Association facebook page and the Oval Speed Skating Club facebook page.
 Thank you for your support, Rob

Greetings WSSA Members,

It’s time for us to get together the general membership of the WSSA so we can hold elections for the Board of Control. The meeting will be held at the Utah Olympic Oval in the World Record Lounge after practice, beginning at 12:30 on Saturday, May 30th.

This meeting is being held as required by WSSA By-Laws for the election of new officers and directors.

Pursuant to the WSSA Bylaws, the requirements for voting in this election are an active membership in one of the Association’s member clubs (currently Park City and OSSC); a current US Speedskating Membership, and having reached the age of 18. Parents can vote on behalf of their minor children. We encourage you to join or renew your membership before the meeting. You can join/renew your USS membership here:

If any of you are interested in being on the Board of Control (USS membership is a prerequisite), please email your club delegate. The PCSSC Delegate is Rob Woodbury and his email address is The OSSC Delegate is Ken Roberts and his email address is The delegates will compile the list of folks who are willing to sit on the Board of Control and present them at the meeting.

I look forward to seeing you all at the meeting.

Best Regards,

Thomas Di Nardo
WSSA President

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Welcome back skaters!

I hope you all had a good couple of weeks of well deserved recovery! Tomorrow we start up with dry land training. This will be a fairly basic and easy workout for the return back. It will consist of running intervals and basic dry land drills. Primarily to get the skaters muscles remembering that oh so wonderful position of sitting below 90 degrees. Dry land is probably the most beneficial training our skaters can do to make large gains on the ice.

Each week we will continue to build up the programs and it will vary from running intervals and imitations, to running the UOP stairs, circuit training and maybe even a game of kickball! Since the skaters are all still growing we will focus on skating specific drills but also general conditioning and coordination to help them become a great athlete regardless of what sport they do!

Mother Nature has been teasing us lately. We are planning to meet tomorrow at 5:30 pm at the PC Ice Arena. If the weather turns wet we will meet at New Park. Please let Rob or myself know if you intend to join us tomorrow. We will send out a final notification on location tomorrow around 4:30. (I just don't want us to miss anyone and Mother Nature has not been helpful at all lately!) We will train from 5:30 - 6:45 pm.

Looking forward to seeing everyone again!

All the best,


PS - Parents you are more than welcome to join the workouts if you would like! I am warning will likely be very sore but hey it may be more fun than a cross fit class!